Saturday 27 July 2013

United We Spy by Ally Carter Prereview

Is Ally Carter's motto 'treat them mean, keep them keen'? I've literally just finished Out of Sight, Out of Time and the ending was pure torture! Then I found out that we're supposed to wait another year after that cliff hanger? 

Spoilers below so don't read this before finishing Out of Sight, Out of Time 

So currently here are my feelings: 

1. Desperation. Words cannot describe my desperation for this book. With an ending like that how could you not? To refresh your memories, Out Of Sight, Out of Time ends when Cammie promises to initiate Operation Pursue Circle Of Cavan: "From this point on, we will be the ones doing the chasing" Doesn't the promise of redemption set chills up your back? There is a certain satisfaction knowing that Cammie will finally get revenge. 

2. Frustration. After the above happens you let the reality of the situation sink in and you remember that you, like any sane person, hate cliffhangers. Then you realize you are going to have to wait a whole year to read the next book. At this point you either get frustrated, hysterical or depressed at the knowledge you can't do anything to speed up time. 

3. Excited. But underlying this is a feeling of excitement. Because honestly, any book written by the fabulous Ally Carter all about Cammie, that hot, schmexy, boyfriend Zach and the rest will be well worth the money you pay for it!

4. Sad. After you overcome your frustration and excitement you realise that this will be the last Gallagher Girls book and at you will miss the characters. 

Quick question, anyone else think Josh might make a reappearance; I know he is her ex and all, but wouldn't it be a wicked twist if he worked for the Circle of Cavan?

Edit: Dayum. That cover. That title. 

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