Saturday 27 July 2013

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken Prereview

First chapter here and a teaser here(view spoiler)

Spoilers below 

A quick recap: The Darkest Minds left off with Ruby erasing all memories of herself in Liam's brain. That is why need this book NOW! 

The ending had me like in tears looking like this:

I am not often shocked. Right now I am totally flabbergasted and in a whole truck load of denial. That did not just happen; I refuse to except it. 

I wanted to reach out and stop Ruby but I was powerless against what is in print. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion: you watch with horror in a front row seat with binoculars as your heart shatters, wanting so badly to help but with dawning and horrifying realization that you can't. 

You think I'm being dramatic? That was nothing on my reaction when I was reading the book. I was down to the last few pages, I knew what was going to happen but didn't want to accept it so I literally did this:

I am very conflicted. Rationally, I know Ruby made the right call. Liam wouldn't have walked otherwise. But the irrational part of me - which is bawling right now - wants them to be together no matter what. 

Anyway, enough about the romance. I hope this next book is as perfect as The Darkestminds was. It's a little hard to tell exactly where the plot is going to go. Fingers crossed nothing else heartbreaking happens. Also, I'm a bit worried that if Ruby stays too long with the Childrens League, she'll turn into another psychotic Orange. If she does, I'll be all tears again. 

Drop a comment below about what you guys think is going to happen! 

Edit: Announced here: the title is set to be Never Fade. Mrs. Bracken had this to say: 

We were looking for something to capture the feeling of resistance that underscores the story. I love that NEVER FADE is a powerful, assertive statement in and of itself... we tested it out next to THE DARKEST MINDS... [it] left us with another striking phrase that somehow also fit with the book’s core themes: The darkest minds never fade... my editor suggested continuing to add onto the statement with book three’s title.

Personally, I think it is a really interesting and certainly unique method of naming book titles. But now the big question is what is the third book going to be called...

Edit 2: Damn, that cover... 

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